Predictive Maintenance: Based on our analysis of historical data, we help you identify which machine requires maintenance and when it is due so that you can avoid major breakdowns or disruption of services. Our fitted models are robust and capable of learning the trends in your data as the patterns change over time so that you receive only genuine alert messages and take action only when that is necessary.
Debt Analytics: Identifying the debtors that are likely to pay is a crucial part of Debt Recovery as the whole business hinges on pursuing the right debtors so that you have a high ROI. Our analytics can help you prioritize your efforts so that you make the greatest gains in the shortest amounts of time spending the least amount of dollars. We classify the debtors into three categories based on their likelihood of paying so that time and money can be saved by concentrating only on the groups that are most likely to pay.
Pattern Recognition, ECG Analysis: Manual identification of ECG patterns and related diseases takes up lot of time and attention of the doctors involved. We have developed a mobile app that stays in your mobile and allows you send your analyzed ECG patterns to your Care Providers with automatic peaks detection and pattern recognition information along with Computer algorithm based heart rate calculation, AFIB detection, and Atrial flutter identification.
Natural Language Processing: Analyzing unstructured data (like customer feedback, patient tweets, free texts etc.) is equally important for understanding customers and business growth. Extracting relevant information from tons of unstructured data cannot be handled manually. Our Automatic Emotional Analysis, Polarity Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Key word extraction and Classification of corpus allows the management to take appropriate business decisions. We also help score text responses in terms of relevance or importance so that the management can identify which notes to pay attention to among all the data that they receive every day.